Our international version of Small Business – Big Plans is out!

Our international version of Small Business – Big Plans is out!

When we published ‘Small Business – Big Plans’ in South Africa last year, a question we faced a lot was: “Why are you limiting your audience to one country?” There were a few reasons for this. Having worked with many South African clients, and strongly believing in the power of entrepreneurship to uplift people in what is a traditionally volatile and unstable economy, we really wanted to help SA business owners by sharing our knowledge. We saw a niche and filled it, and got some great positive reviews and feedback in the media and from readers.

But once the dust had settled and our book tour was over (and because we like to think big), we started to think about how what we’d written could help entrepreneurs all over the world. While local markets all have their own idiosyncrasies, as co-authors who have both worked internationally in the US, UK and now Europe, we knew that most marketing principles are universal. Good marketing is good marketing, regardless of where you’re doing it. With that in mind, we started working on the international manuscript. It was a complete labour of love as we updated statistics, amended examples and changed some chapters to reflect recent industry updates.

The big difference this time was that we decided to self-publish through Amazon on their Kindle Direct Publishing platform. This meant that apart from just the writing, we also needed to do the typesetting, proofreading, cover design, editing and more. But that’s just the beginning. As any author knows, the real work doesn’t end once you hold that book in your hands: it continues as you share its existence through marketing and publicity.

So, we’re proud to introduce our latest book baby to the world: the international version of Small Business – Big Plans, available now on Amazon in the UK, Europe, US, Canada, Australia and beyond. We’d love it if you could share with any entrepreneur or small business owner you know who’s trying to get to grips with digital marketing. The world of digital can be overwhelming, but we always say that if you truly understand something, you should be able to explain it in the simplest terms, and that’s what we hope to have done here.

Our aim with this book, as with the first South African edition, is to make digital marketing accessible, regardless of your skill level, age, or stage of life you’re in. We hope it enables you to take advantage of the digital tools we now have available to us, in order to build your business so that it provides a solid income and gives you more freedom.

Interested? BUY THE BOOK NOW >>

Let us know if you’ve read the book, or have any other questions on digital marketing when it comes to small businesses. We love hearing from you!


Black Mountain
[email protected]
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