entrepreneur Tag

Blog / 24.08.2018

by Belinda I RSVPed to this event on a whim when a friend sent me the invitation - and I'm so glad I did. Being a business owner in Cape Town, when most of our clients are in Joburg, means that you can feel quite isolated. I'm not part of a big agency. I'm not working late at night surrounded by a team of other people. And while there are many upsides to this, it was wonderful last night to be surrounded by like-minded women working in creative industries, and feed off the energy and enthusiasm in the room.
Blog / 29.06.2017

By Belinda Today a Facebook notification popped up, "Your Memories on Facebook", dated June 28, 2012: "Tomorrow is my last day working in book publishing, after eight wonderful years. Thanks to all of those who shared it with me: it was never well paid, often absurd but always fun - you guys were awesome".  I often wonder what it is about me that didn't work in a corporate space and why I never progressed much. I suppose I chopped and changed roles and companies many times, learning as I went, meeting amazing people, but there was something about my career that always made me feel stifled and frustrated. Like I was just swimming the race, never really excelling.
Blog / 15.06.2017

By Belinda Any entrepreneur will tell you that consistent cash flow is the life blood of a successful business. And when we first started Black Mountain we naturally thought that this meant securing as many retainer clients as possible, in order to have a predictable income and workload in the future (as well as to plan better too).
Blog / 27.01.2016

Sorry that it's been a bit quiet around here lately. The reason? End of year rush. Projects that needed to be completed. The small matter of moving two kids, two dogs, a husband and a houseful of objects from the City of Gold to The Mother City. Oh, not to mention trying to make a business work in two different cities as well.